Field of Paws

Field of Paws Joliet Animal Control Fundraiser 

Purchase Your Tickets Today!

WHEN: Tuesday, August 16th, 2022

WHERE:1 Mayor Art Shultz Drive, Joliet, IL 60432 (Joliet Slammer’s Stadium)


Option 1: Regular admission is $10 per person using offer code adopt .

Buy tickets through the Slammer’s official page by clicking “here”.

Option 2: Joliet Animal Control Supporter Package $100.00. Please pay through

 JTAC PayPal account. You will be contacted once payment is received.

Joliet Animal Control Supporter Package Benefits: 

** A picture of your pet gets displayed as a sponsor

on the Jumbotron the day of the event

** 4 tickets to the Game

** A custom made Piece made exclusively for this event by a local Joliet Artist

We hope to see you there!