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Community Violence Prevention - CVI

Joliet Township's CVI's Mission

CVI’s main mission is to apply a public health approach to violence reduction. CVI focuses on gun violence and an applying of strategies to intervene in or prevent violence for community members at highest risk of engaging in or being the victim of gun violence.

  • Violence intervention strategies focus on imminent acts of violence.
  • Violence prevention strategies address the underlying causes of violence and thus have a longer timeframe for impact.

This violence prevention program aims to ensure that community safety does not rely solely on policing and the criminal justice system. It emphasizes investments in community-based interventions and development. By expanding civilian-led initiatives beyond gun violence reduction, the program seeks to enhance the health, safety, and well-being of entire communities.

CVI's Responsibilities

The Joliet Township’s CVI program is responsible for refining and monitoring the problem, identifying factors that contribute to and protect against violence locally, developing and testing strategies, and advancing the widespread adoption of those strategies.

CVI's Components

Joliet Township Government’s Violence Prevention Program includes the CVI Convener and CVI Behavioral Health.

CVI Behavioral Health serves to aid those suffering from violence-induced trauma in our community. The program offers trauma focused therapy, public psychoeducation, agency education, and service linkage.

The CVI Convener serves to strengthen partnerships that improve the quality of life for families that have been negatively affected by community gun violence.  The program program includes the REIAL, Municipality Tours, and the Reimagine Village.